New Trier High School English Department

English 433: Literature and Film
Mr. Carlo Trovato

Friday, August 31, 2012

Blog Post 1:
Think about the idea of fate as you saw in Oedipus and Minority Report. Where do you stand on the ideas of fate, free will, personal responsibility and brain chemistry? Do we have control of our selves and our actions? Can there exist a combination of fate and free will? For our first major blog post think on your past—do you see evidence of fate guiding you, or has it been a long string of coincidences? Include examples from your life that connect with Oedipus and/or John Anderton. Finally come to a conclusion about what you think of this cosmic question.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Close Reading of Oedipus

Lit Film
Oedipus Questions

How does Sophocles want us to understand Oedipus at the beginning of the story?

How does Oedipus want his audience to perceive him? What does he say or do that makes you think this?

Is Oedipus credible at the beginning of the play? What makes him so or not so?

Identify the tone or tones you hear from the different sides at the beginning of the play—consult your list.

Make a list of 10-15 words you find to be significant. Consider significance having to do with repetition, theme, foreshadow....

Why do you think Sophocles has Oedipus turn on Tiresias and Creon? What purpose does this serve in the play?

Consider pace—how does it work in language. Look at speeches by Oedipus, Priest, and then the conversation between Oedipus and Tiresias. What do you notice about pacing?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer Reading Questions

Answer the following questions either typed or neatly handwritten to be turned in during the first week of class. Consider the questions and develop your answers thoughtfully. Much of the first weeks of school will be taken up with the play and the film, so be sure you have read and watched carefully!

  1. To what extent is Oedipus responsible for his own fate in the play? Be prepared to discuss at least two examples from the text which lead you to believe he is or is not responsible.
  2. How good a king is Oedipus?  In what ways does he excel as a leader?  In what ways does he fall short?
  3. Since Oedipus is considered the quintessential tragic hero, then what would you argue is his tragic mistake?  In other words, what in his own character/personality or what wrong-headed action does he take which leads him to his ultimate downfall? Choose a particular flaw or action and explain its relation to his disgrace and exile.
  4. If we agree that Oedipus the King is about the role of fate and humans’ inability to escape destiny, in what ways does Minority Report, and the character of John Anderton in particular, support or refute Oedipus’ notion of destiny?  Think of two scenes that support your position.
  5. The eyes are often associated not just with the act of seeing but also of revealing oneself to others. In the film, explain the different ways that eyes or the act of seeing are used for:  1. The Precogs, 2. John Anderton, 3. The culture of the world of the film.
  6. The story upon which the movie is based was written in the 1950's.  The movie came out in 2002 but is set in 2054.  How much of the events/the attitudes of the movie do you see in contemporary American culture?  Where will be in 44 years?  Speculate on the direction in which our country is headed.  What future contingencies are we preparing for?  To what extent does our attempt to prepare for certain future events determine our own fate?